Victoria Auerbach Stone
- Department: Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology
- Sponsor: (1, 2) NIH/NIAID
- Description: (1) Host iron and Yersinia pathogenesis (2) Development of validated probes for the bacterial type III secretion system
Emily Brodsky
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: US Army/Misc Bases & Agencies
- Description: A Laboratory for Naturalistic Granular Flows
Susan Carpenter
- Department: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIAID
- Description: Determining the conserved molecular mechanisms contributing to inflammation during Sepsis
David Feldheim
- Department: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NEI
- Description: Development of retinal ganglion cell types
Rebecca Jensen-Clem
- Department: Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Sponsor: Heising-Simons Foundation
- Description: Enabling a New Era of Exoplanet Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy
Anne Kapuscinski
- Department: Environmental Studies
- Sponsor: David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Description: A Proposal to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for the Blue Pioneers Program Accelerator Summer 2020
Raphael Kudela
- Department: Ocean Sciences
- Sponsor: San Francisco Estuary Institute
- Description: Channel Monitoring & Mussel Sample Analysis for San Francisco Estuary Institute
Thorne Lay
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Description: Broadband Seismological Investigations of Earth Structure and Sources
John MacMillan
- Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Sponsor: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
- Description: Natural Products with Selective Cytoxicity to Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Adina Paytan
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: UC/Sea Grant College Program
- Description: Using existing datasets to understand multi-scale changes in and controls on biogeochemistry in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
Peter Raimondi
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: UC Santa Barbara
- Description: Restoring rocky intertidal foundation species across California
Constance Rockosi
- Department: UCO/Lick
- Sponsor: California Association for Research in Astronomy (W.M. Keck Observatory)
- Description: KCRM
Alexander Sher
- Department: Physics
- Sponsor: NIH/NEI
- Description: Revealing neural computations through combined optical and electrical recordings
Zhu Wang
- Department: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Sponsor: American Cancer Society
- Description: Analysis of cell of origin for bladder cancer
Alan Zahler
- Department: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Description: UCSC-MARC U*STAR Program
Jon Zehr
- Department: Ocean Sciences
- Sponsor: Simons Foundation
- Description: Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms at Station ALOHA and the transition zone in the North Pacific Ocean
Yi Zuo
- Department: Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIMH
- Description: Contribution of astrocytes to the Fragile X Syndrome
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.