Michael Beck
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: University of South Florida
- Title: Large-scale CoPe: Reducing Climate Risks with Equitable Nature-based Solutions: Engaging Communities on Reef-Lined Coasts
Roxanne Beltran
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
- Title: A novel acoustic recorder for eavesdropping on the ocean soundscape
Anne Kapuscinski
- Department: Environmental Studies
- Sponsor: David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Title: Blue Pioneers Accelerator Program
Renate Kupke
- Department: UCO/Lick
- Sponsor: UC San Diego
- Title: Liger: Advancing Astrophysical Technology and Discovery
Cyril Michel
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
- Title: Reconnecting Winter Run to Their Ancestral Waters: Monitoring Reintroduction Success on the McCloud
Jason Nielsen
- Department: Physics
- Sponsor: Department of Energy/Miscellaneous Offices and Programs
- Title: Traineeships for Computational High Energy Physics
Donald Smith
- Department: Microbiology & Environ. Tox.
- Sponsor: NIH/NIEHS
- Title: Mechanisms and therapies for the neurobehavioral deficits from early Mn exposure
Quentin Williams
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: University of Chicago
- Title: SEES: Community Driven Management of Synchrotron Facilities for Earth and Environmental Science
Erika Zavaleta
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
- Title: 2023 DDCSP Grant
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.