NMR structure of a key anticoagulant protein may help prevent thrombosis

Medical Xpress — A collaboration between researchers from Brazil and the United States may open new avenues for the treatment of thrombosis, the leading cause of death among cancer patients. In a study to be published in Blood, the scientists describe the Ixolaris structure, an important anticoagulant protein found in tick saliva, and its interaction with Factor Xa, a key enzyme in the process of blood clotting.

Año Nuevo Reserve: A living laboratory for ocean health

Scientists consider Año Nuevo Reserve one of the world’s premier living laboratories because of its unrivaled accessibility to a special colony of deep diving elephant seals and other migrating animals. Just 30 minutes from UC Santa Cruz, the natural reserve provides students with rare research experiences and serves as a hub for many international scientific collaborations, such as understanding how marine animals travel through geopolitical boundaries and how climate change is impacting the health of our oceans. The reserve’s unique partnership with California State Parks is further bolstered by public education tours about this critical research to more than 100,000 park visitors every year.