Why study Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology at UC Santa Cruz?

If you’re looking for a graduate program that prepares you to solve important problems in the field of environmental health by completing stimulating coursework, extensive scientific presentation training, and in-depth research apply to UCSC. Our students are top-notch and a cornerstone of our department. They frequently receive high-profile fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE SCGF), UCSC’s Eugene Cota Robles Fellowship, and the ARCS foundation. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to study closely with METX faculty members (3.5:1 student to faculty ratio) who have received numerous honors—including prestigious awards as new investigators, Fulbright fellowships for international collaborative work, and membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Current Students

How to apply

Undergraduate student admissions to UC Santa Cruz are handled through the University of California’s online application system. Be sure to review the steps you must take, and when, to ensure that your application is considered.

Contiguous Bachelor’s/Master’s (4+1) degree policies

Department: Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology

The 5th Year (4+1) Master’s path is essentially an honors program, allowing qualified undergraduates to continue their undergraduate research and earn a Master’s in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology in one year following completion of their Bachelor’s degree. The 5th Year Master’s path has the same requirements as the METX Master’s program, with the only difference being the ability to accelerate earning the METX Master’s by initiating Master’s research and coursework as an undergraduate senior.

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How to apply

Application deadline: August 1

Master of Science (M.S.) degree policies

Department: Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology
Program Size: ~8 students/yr
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 1.4:1

The METX M.S. degree combines core courses and electives to provide interdisciplinary training in microbiology, toxicology, and environmental health sciences. Graduates from the program are exceptionally prepared to take research or management positions in organizations concerned with microbial and environmental health-related sciences. Graduates may also pursue fields in education or enter doctoral programs in biological and environmental health sciences or related fields.

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METX Adviser, Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology

  • Phone: 831-459-4719
  • Email: metx-gradadvising@ucsc.edu
  • Office: Physical Sciences Building (PSB), Room 230
  • Office Hours: M–F, 9 A.M.–Noon & 1–4 P.M.

Our advisor advises all students in the METX M.S. and Ph.D. program. They are a good place to start for general advising questions. Please contact them first if you’re unsure with whom to speak.

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How to apply

Apply for master’s

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree policies

Department: Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology
Program Size: ~28 students/yr
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 2.5:1

Within the METX Ph.D. program graduates will develop a mastery of the fundamental knowledge in the microbiology or environmental toxicology fields. Students will have the opportunity to conduct independent research and manage a research project in either microbiology or environmental toxicology. They will be equipped with interdisciplinary skills needed for success in microbiology and environmental toxicology fields, where there is a great need for scientists who have broad, interdisciplinary training. Students will learn how to effectively teach science in a classroom environment, while also developing an understanding of ethical standards in proposing and executing professional scientific research. They will be able to take on more leadership roles that engage fellow students and promote the success of the departmental graduate programs. Students report annually at their advising meeting (with the Grad Advisor) how they met this requirement.

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METX Adviser, Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology

  • Phone: 831-459-4719
  • Email: metx-gradadvising@ucsc.edu
  • Office: Physical Sciences Building (PSB), Room 230
  • Office Hours: M–F, 9 A.M.–Noon & 1–4 P.M.

Our advisor advises all students in the METX M.S. and Ph.D. program. They are a good place to start for general advising questions. Please contact them first if you’re unsure with whom to speak.


The Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology also participates in a rotation-based Ph.D. umbrella program in Biomedical Sciences & Engineering with the PBSE METX Track. Students interested in the broad areas of chemical biology or molecular biology should consider this interdisciplinary graduate program that brings together the expertise from the departments of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, and Biomolecular Engineering. Highlights of PBSE include research laboratory rotations, journal clubs, and targeted seminar series–all in a collaborative environment. Find more information here.

How to apply

Apply for doctoral

Designated Emphasis (D.E.) degree policies

Department: Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology

Master’s degree (M.A/M.S) and doctoral students from departments at UC Santa Cruz may complete a Designated Emphasis (DE) in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology (METX) by completing two graduate courses in METX (from an approved list) and one quarter of METX 292, the weekly departmental seminar. In addition, students may have a Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology faculty member on their qualifying examination committee, and must have a Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology faculty member on their thesis reading committee, complete a significant scholarly written component on a microbiology and/or environmental health/toxicology related topic, and complete the requirements for a master’s degree or Ph.D. in their own department.

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