Joshua Arribere
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Polysome Shadowing
Roxanne Beltran
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: Field-based Undergraduate Training: Utilizing Research for Equity (FUTURE) in Biology
David Boyd
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: Johns Hopkins University
- Title: Investigating age-dependent fibroblast responses to severe influenza virus infections
Daniel Costa
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research Development
- Title: Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Multiple Stressors on Marine Mammals- Elephant Seals as a Model System
Lindsay Hinck
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Notch/Robo Regulated Mechanisms Governing Cell Fate Acquisition
Melissa Jurica
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: IMSD at the University of California Santa Cruz
Kristy Kroeker
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Oregon State University
- Title: Climate resilience and California’s MPA network: management options and opportunities
Harry Noller
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: Agouron Institute
- Title: Request to the Agouron Foundation for a Replacement Detector for the UCSC Cryo-EM Screening Facility
Malin Pinsky
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Princeton University
- Title: Climate Change, Resource Reallocation and Great Power Competition
Colleen Reichmuth
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: US Navy/Facilities Engineering Command
- Title: Confirmation of hearing capabilities in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi)
Sofie Salama
- Department: Genomics Institute
- Sponsor: NIH/NIMH
- Title: Dissecting the role of NOTCH2NL genes in human brain development and neurological disorders associated with chromosome 1q21.1 distal duplications and deletions.
William Sullivan
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Mitotic transmission of acentric chromosome fragments
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.