Carol Greider
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/Miscellaneous Agencies & Departments
- Title: Mechanisms underlying chromosome specific telomere lengths in yeast
Tesla Jeltema
- Department: Physics
- Sponsor: Stanford University SLAC
- Title: Operations of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration
Robert Lokey
- Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Advancing the basic science of membrane permeability in macrocyclic peptides
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz
- Department: Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Sponsor: Simons Foundation*
- Title: Astrobiology Investigations at UC Santa Cruz
Brant Robertson
- Department: Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Sponsor: Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (Space Telescope Science Institute) (AURA)
- Title: Unveiling the Redshift Frontier with JWST
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.