Roxanne Beltran
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: Office of Naval Research
- Title: Identification of Navy-relevant oceanographic hotspots guided by ethical practices and experiential learning
Susan Carpenter
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: High throughput functional characterization of lncRNAs in macrophage biology
John Colosi
- Department: Ocean Sciences
- Sponsor: Office of Naval Research
- Title: Enabling simultaneous observations of ocean sound speed structure and advection for the Task Force Ocean, New England Seamounts experiments
Noah Finnegan
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: Imaging the spatial and temporal evolution of frictional asperities along the failure surface of creepinglandslides to illuminate the mechanics of landslide friction
Jonathan Fortney
- Department: Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Sponsor: John Templeton Foundation
- Title: TEX Fellowship: Understanding Exoplanet Atmospheres with JWST
Timothy Frawley
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: California Ocean Protection Council
- Title: Identifying Pathways to Distributive Equity in MPA Management in a Changing Climate
Carol Greider
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NCI
- Title: Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer
Gary Griggs
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: California Ocean Protection Council
- Title: Characterizing Toxic Waste Sites in the San Francisco Bay Region and Their Exposure to Future Sea Level Rise and Groundwater Flooding
Timothy Johnstone
- Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Sponsor: Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
- Title: Forging new heavy-element terminal oxo bonds: Accessing sustainable main-group reactivity with novel electronic structures
Euiseok Kim
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NINDS
- Title: Developmental Mechanisms of Fine-scale Cortico-cortical Circuit Formation
Jacqueline Kimmey
- Department: Microbiology & Environ. Tox.
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Microbial regulation of vertebrate circadian clocks
Cyril Michel
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: USDI/Bureau of Reclamation
- Title: Enhanced Acoustic Tagging, Analysis, and Real-Time Monitoring of Wild and Hatchery Salmonids in the Sacramento River Valley
Karen Ottemann
- Department: Microbiology & Environ. Tox.
- Sponsor: NIH/NIAID
- Title: Understanding and manipulating chronic Helicobacter pylori to enhance treatment
Peter Raimondi
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: (1) The Nature Conservancy, (2) California Ocean Protection Council
- Title: (1)TNC-UCSC MARINe Rocky Intertidal Work at Dangermond, (2) Impact of sea level rise on intertidal communities: assessment to inform resilience-based management and conservation priorities
Slawomir Tulaczyk
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: NSF
- Title: NSFPLR-NERC: The role of Thwaites Glacier shear margins in the future evolution of its drainage basin
Jordan Ward
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: (1) NIH/NIGMS, (2) NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs
- Title: (1) Mechanisms of nematode molting, (2) Illuminating apical extracellular matrix structure and biogenesis
Quentin Williams
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: University of New Mexico
- Title: Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences (COMPRES): National Facilities and Infrastructure Development for High-Pressure Geosciences Research
Fitnat Yildiz
- Department: Microbiology & Environ. Tox.
- Sponsor: NIH/NIAID
- Title: Vibrio cholerae c-diGMP signaling: motile to biofilm transition and transmission
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.