Natalie Batalha
- Department: Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Sponsor: NASA Shared Services Center
- Title: Follow the Volatiles: Tracing chemical species relevant to habitability from proto-planetary disks to exoplanet atmospheres
Peter Dudley
- Department: Institute of Marine Sciences
- Sponsor: Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works
- Title: Update the Standard Assessment Methodology (SAM) Model
Christopher Edwards
- Department: Ocean Sciences
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: Collaborative research: Submesoscale frontal dynamics and exchange at an upwelling bay
David Feldheim
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIDCD
- Title: Coding of auditory space in the mouse superior colliculus
Carol Greider
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NCI
- Title: Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer
Melissa Jurica
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: IMSD at the University of California Santa Cruz
Joanna Kelley
- Department: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: Genome Evolution in Polar Fishes
Carl Lamborg
- Department: Ocean Sciences
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: Collaborative Research: MEGA – Mercury biogeochemical cycling and Export from Greenland to the Arctic
Robert Lokey
- Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Advancing the basic science of membrane permeability in macrocyclic peptides
Francis Nimmo
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: NASA Shared Services Center
- Title: Moderately volatile elements as a probe of planetary accretion
Abraham Seiden
- Department: Physics
- Sponsor: Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Title: ATLAS Upgrade Strip Modules
Myriam Telus
- Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Title: CAREER: Linking the atmospheric and bulk compositions of rocky exoplanets: Constraints from meteorite outgassing analyses
Zhu Wang
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIGMS
- Title: Regulation of prostate epithelial basal cell plasticity
Yi Zuo
- Department: MCD Biology
- Sponsor: NIH/NIMH
- Title: Fronto-insular network in cognitive-affective interactions during decision-making
Information provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Please note, some projects listed may be recorded from a few months earlier or be a funding continuation for a multi-year project.