Photo for UC Santa Cruz.

In 1984, Dr. Kenneth Thimann and his wife, Ann established a scholarship fund “…to be awarded at the end of the academic year to a graduating UC Santa Cruz senior who has been accepted to a graduate school, and shows the most promise as a future scientist in one of the disciplines for biology, chemistry, earth sciences, and physics.”

Amount & Use
There is $12,000.00 in the fund this year.

The amount of each award depends on the number of awards the committee decides to make. Typically 1—2 awards are made.

Eligibility & Requirements
Any graduating UC Santa Cruz senior who has been accepted to a graduate school and show promise in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, or physics is eligible.
  • Faculty nomination files are due Monday, April 21, 2025
  • Student statements and unofficial transcripts are due Monday, May 12, 2025
  • Awards announced Friday, May 30, 2025
Selection Process
Selection process: Physical & Biological Sciences faculty submit nominations and recipients are selected by a committee composed of the sitting Department Chairs of undergraduate departments in the Sciences and the current Provost of Crown College at UC Santa Cruz.
Past recipients


Austin Dymont - Physics & Astrophysics
Jodi Lee - Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Jialin Li - Physics & Astrophysics


Elizabeth Yunerman - Physics & Astrophysics


Joey Wong - Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Sandra Nair - Physics


Mason Hargrave - Physics


Raul Reyes Hueros - Physics
Quinn Edmonson - Chemistry


Derek Popple - Chemistry
Xochitl Clare - Theatre Arts/Marine Biology


Sami Chen - Earth & Planetary Sciences


Colby Sandate - Chemistry
Tyler Mathis - Chemistry


Melinda Soares-Furtado - Astrophysics


Alexander Wollenberg - Chemistry
Lisa Standke - Chemistry
Roxanne Beltra - Environmental & Evolutionary Biology


No award


Luke Kelly - Physics/Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology


Mike Kozina - Mathematics/Physics
Jannise Buckley - Chemistry

How to apply
This award has no application. Students are nominated by PBSci faculty.
Faculty nominations should be submitted via this Google Form.