Kenneth & Ann Thimann Scholarship
A faculty-nominated award for graduating seniors who have been accepted to a graduate school and show the most promise in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, or physics.
A faculty-nominated award for graduating seniors who have been accepted to a graduate school and show the most promise in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, or physics.
The Elmer A. Fridley Scholarship in the Physical Sciences is awarded annually alternating between an outstanding undergraduate and graduate student pursuing a degree in the physical sciences. The scholarship fund was established in 1989 upon receipt of a bequest from the estate of William Fridley, a long-time resident of Santa Cruz County.
Provides a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to undergraduate students who intend to pursue careers in these fields.
We are looking for motivated AAUS certified scientific divers to help us conduct kelp forest community surveys around the Monterey peninsula. Contact Emily Saarman ( for details.
Assist in collecting juvenile and adult rockfish, taking fin clips for genetic analysis, and maintaining collection devices for juvenile fishes. Contact Emily Saarman ( for details.
Tutoring sessions are an hour long and generally have a capacity of 6 students. When you sign up, you’ll make a commitment to attend tutoring weekly for the entire quarter.
UC LEADS scholars embark upon a two-year program of scientific research and graduate school preparation guided by faculty mentorship.
Become a part of our team of school programs instructors who teach engaging, hands-on, marine-science activities to visiting school groups in our seawater and teaching labs.
Advising is provided by our Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology in room 105A of the Coastal Biology Building (CBB), located on the Coastal Science Campus (CSC).
Advising is provided by our Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology in room 105A of the Coastal Biology Building (CBB), located on the Coastal Science Campus (CSC).
Advising is provided by our Department of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology in room 389 of Thimann Labs.
Advising is provided by our Department of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology in room 389 of Thimann Labs.