The Degree-Defining Experiences Program offers transformational learning opportunities for thousands of undergraduates in the form of experiential field courses and other activities outside the classroom.

As students, you seek out unforgettable experiences that make learning immersive and meaningful.

UC Santa Cruz has a longstanding reputation of utilizing its unrivaled natural setting to provide powerful hands-on learning experiences that have been shown to deeply impact students’ lives. Building on that success, the Science Division has launched the Degree-Defining Experiences Program, which is designed to inspire students in a way that forever changes how you see your time at UC Santa Cruz and your role in the world.

The program, launched in Fall 2024, offers successively deeper levels of experiences: from introductory programs for first-year students like overnight visits to Lick Observatory, to intermediate degree-specific offerings—like promoting student interest and awareness of the process of research SCUBA certification—to more intensive opportunities like internships in cancer-bioinformatics research. A generous donation from the Helen and Will Webster Foundation launched the program, and additional funders have stepped in.


pilot projects
during year one


in funding for
year one projects


estimated students
impacted in year one

Project Descriptions

UC Santa Cruz has long championed experiential learning. We now aim to elevate this tradition to new heights with a much larger number of new projects segmented into the following three tiers.

These programs are unique, innovative offerings from our various departments, student-success units, and faculty members. Some programs do not yet have specific information online. But please check back often, as we will add more details about how to get involved as that information becomes available.


Projects in the introductory category are low-time-commitment activities for first-year undergraduate students.

Field Astronomy at Lick Observatory
Enhancing the undergraduate experience with overnight and daylong visits to Lick Observatory to meet astronomers and use the Shane 3-meter telescope for lab experiments.

Field Experiences in Colleges and Core Courses
Field exposure on UC Santa Cruz campus integrated within Merrill College’s core course.

Field Experience to Enhance Accepted Student Matriculation
One-day field exposure for accepted Ecology and Evolutionary Biology students.

Science Excellence Events to Increase Retention
Creating a robust framework to support first-generation science students, including Sciences Family and Friends Day, Advising Daze, Science Day, and the Speaker Series.

Intermediate projects require a medium level of time commitment and are largely degree-specific opportunities.

Accelerating Equity & Success in SCUBA
Expanding early access to SCUBA diving and community building for undergraduates pursuing scientific diving and underwater science.

Immersive Arts Field Courses
Exposing interdisciplinary undergraduates to natural history and immersive arts field experiences to increase sense of place and belonging and support mental health and wellness.

Course-based Undergraduate Research in Antibiotic Resistance
Showing undergraduates how to isolate new antibiotics using whole genome sequencing and microbiological methods from environmental samples collected at the UCSC Natural Reserves.

Entry-level Overnight Field Courses in the Natural Reserve System
Expanding and increasing course offerings that provide field-based overnight teaching and research experiences to incoming freshman and transfer students.

Academic Excellence (ACE) and Cross Campus / Natural Reserves Partnership for Field Experiences
Overnight and weekend day trips to develop a sense of place, critical thinking skills, collaboration, and field science for undergraduates enrolled in the ACE and other campus courses and programs.

Hands-on Course in Producing Astronomy Research Equipment
Training from engineers and machinists for undergraduates to understand the process and practice designing and building custom parts for astronomy research.

Field Opportunities for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Transfer Students
On-campus meetings and overnight trips to a UC Natural Reserve tailored to transfer students’ greater foundational knowledge and limited time to capitalize on learning opportunities.

Campus Natural History Courses and Activities
Providing a sense of place and community at the Campus Natural Reserve, via introductory natural history courses in collaboration with the Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History.

Geologic Field Experiences for Earth and Planetary Sciences Majors
Day trips and camping excursions in the local region to expose students in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department to the geosciences while fostering community.
Intensive projects include high-time-commitment field courses and research internships.

Undergraduate Hands-on Experience in Public Education
Opportunities for undergraduates to observe and assist teachers in regional high-need middle and high schools through CalTeach.

Long-term Ecological Research Program to Facilitate Degree-defining Senior Thesis Projects
Senior thesis opportunities for undergraduates, including mentorship and 10 hours per week of elephant seal research in the Beltran Lab.

Increasing Enrollment Capacity in Intensive Field Quarter
Increasing access to Marine Biology major immersion classes.

Early Opportunities for Undergraduate Cancer Bioinformatics Research: Treehouse Undergraduate Bioinformatics Immersion (TUBI)
Engaging early undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds in cancer bioinformatics research to foster science identity and retention.

Targeting Undergraduate Paid Internships through URST
Increasing the number of students from underrepresented backgrounds that receive a paid internship with a faculty mentor through the Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology (URST) program.

Danissa Coffey

Student Testimonial

Danissa Coffey
Oakes College ’23, ecology and evolutionary biology

“It blew my mind that I was capable of doing so many things I never imagined myself being able to do, like being inches away from tens/hundreds of elephant seals, and accomplishing my major goal of attaching satellite tags to elephant seals. Being part of this field class was by far the most impactful educational experience I’ve had so far.”

How to Give

Students who engage in transformative experiences are more successful in their undergraduate careers, gain a strong sense of belonging in their fields of study, and develop deep connections with their faculty mentors, student peers, and the university. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that all UC Santa Cruz students, regardless of their financial means, have pivotal experiences that give them the skills, confidence, and connections that they need to excel in their careers and to become change-makers in their communities.



Read the announcement

The Science Division has received a $1 million donation to begin a major new program on “degree-defining experiences,” which will provide hands-on learning for thousands of students.


Students in field research course