The mass spectrometry facility provides analytical support for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and other academic departments at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The Mass Spectrometry Facility currently houses:
- LC-MSLTQ (purchased in 2006)
- LTQ-Orbitrap Velos Pro MS (installed Dec 21, 2014)
The facility is located in room 339 of the Physical Sciences Building and supervised by Professor Ted Holman and managed by Mass Spec Specialist Qiangli Zhang of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The facility can be used by UCSC faculty, their collaborators, and outside users.
Please read the “Sample Preparation” guidelines document. Any individual found to harm instruments in the facility will be first be warned and immediately invited to refresh their skills. If a second incident occurs, then serious action will be taken including the following. (1) The expense of repairs or trouble shooting will be directly billed to the lab PI. (2) The entire lab will be banned from the instrument for a period TBA evaluated on case-by-case.
The operation/user model described above has the potential of saving us down-time and repair costs. However, it also has the potential of damaging the instrument if poorly trained individuals do harm to the equipment.
If you have problems with the Orbitrap or believe that the Orbitrap needs maintenance, here is the path for action. (a) Make a log book entry with a recommendation. (b) Complete a “Report a Problem” form. (c) Send emails to various individuals at: Qiangli Zhang ( Whichever individual is on call at the time will respond to you promptly and check the machine as soon as possible. AT NO POINT SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO FIX THE INSTRUMENT ON YOUR OWN. SERIOUS HARM TO THE INSTRUMENT IS POSSIBLE BY AN INEXPERIENCED USER.