The Dean’s Excellence Fund in the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences at UC Santa Cruz allows the division to achieve the next level of excellence. Contributions to this fund allow the dean the flexibility to launch new programs, supplement scholarships, enhance facilities, and support research opportunities that make a difference in our community and world. Gifts to the Excellence Fund maximize your impact in the sciences at UC Santa Cruz.
Examples of recent projects the Dean’s Excellence Fund has been used to support include the Grad Peer Mentoring Coalition, Sinsheimer Diversity Mural project, and the PBSci Workstudy Research Initiative.
If you prefer to donate to the Dean’s Endowment Fund, your contribution will be added to a long-standing collection of philanthropic gifts that have accrued since the division’s inception. This permanent source of funding offers stability for the division and supports many opportunities in the sciences, now and into the future. To make a gift of appreciated assets, IRA distributions, by check, or some other mechanism, contact the philanthropy team.